The District Court granted the tournament organizers summary judgment which was appealed by Creel to the Wyoming Supreme Court. The Court ruled 3-2 against tournament organizers and sent the case to District Court for reconsideration. The trial judge allowed the lawsuit to proceed against Veesart but granted summary judgment for the tournament organizers L & L, Inc.
Wyoming has a state law titled “The Wyoming Recreational Safety Act” which provides that anyone who participates in a sport or recreational activity assumes legal responsibility for injuries that they get as a result of the risk inherent to that activity. This case was unique as Creel was considered a participant in the tournament even though he was a spectator as the spectators were following groups of players around the course. This is compared with the professional tournaments where spectators are cordoned off from the players. While the trial judge ruled that flying golf balls are an inherent risk at golf tournaments, the Supreme Court found that some questions still remained to be answered before the lawsuit could be resolved.