Motorcycle Accident Attorneys
It is no secret that Motorcycling is one of Americas favorite pastime. Sales of all types of motorcycles reached about 1,158,000 in 2006, a level not seen in about 30 years. You now have a lot more motorcycles competing for the road with cars, tractor trailers, and SUV’s than ever before. With this increase comes the need for highly qualified Motorcycle accident attorneys AZ.
For many reasons motorcycle sales are on the rise as is the demand for the best Motorcycle accident attorneys. A big factor is the very large group of baby boomers. The baby boomers are retiring at a rapid rate. They have time and money and are looking to enjoy the American past time of motorcycling.
Another major increase in sales could also be due to the rising gas prices. Motorcycles are quite economical. If people are struggling with rapid rising gas prices and a down economy motorcycles are a great alternative.
The unfortunate part is that motorcycle accidents are extremely detrimental and more high risk, then a car or SUV accident. The increasing numbers of motorcycles on the road is sure to result in higher motorcycle accident statistics and thus the need for great Motorcycle accident attorneys AZ.
Let’s look at some factors as to why motorcycle accidents are so high risk:
- They are less visible to other drivers and pedestrians and less stable than four-wheel vehicles.
- motorcyclist and their passengers are more vulnerable to the hazards of weather, traffic and road conditions than drivers in closed vehicles.
- Alcohol is a greater risk factor for fatal crashes involving motorcycles than other types of vehicles.
- 37 percent of all motorcyclist involved in fatal crashes were speeding.
- Failure to signal properly when turning
- Last year, 14 percent of all traffic accident deaths involved motorcycles.
- There were 114,000 motorcycle accidents last year that involved injuries or property damage.
- In 2008 5,290 people died in motorcycle accidents across the country – the highest number ever recorded.
- Car turns in front of motorcycle – 8% leading cause of an accident
- Motorcycles are the most dangerous type of motor vehicle to drive. These vehicles are involved in fatal crashes at a rate of 35.0 per 100 million miles of travel, compared with a rate of 1.7 per 100 million miles of travel for passenger cars.
- motorcyclist were 35 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash in 2006, per vehicle mile traveled, and 8 times more likely to be injured.
- Motorcycle runs off-road – 41% of leading causes of an accident