The combination of high staff turnover and a huge number of child abuse and neglect cases has left CPS at the bursting point.
Currently, the CPS staff turnover rate is at 31% based upon a State report released earlier this month. This means that nearly 1 in 3 CPS works has quit his or her job in the last year. This is a high rate despite Governor Brewer setting up a task force as the agency falls further and further behind in addressing foster care and child abuse cases. Indeed, the number of children in foster care continues to increase reaching a record 13,497 in July 2012. This is compared with 11,200 in July 2011. The current caseworker case load is nearly twice the state national standard.
Although CPS attempts to resolve its staffing problems, recently hiring 215 new caseworkers as of July 2012, compared with an exodus of 167 caseworkers during the same period. Many current and former CPS caseworkers maintain their caseloads are unmanageable studies show the workers have been unable to thoroughly investigate 100% of abuse and neglect reports as mandated by state law.
No one can dispute the numbers that high staff numbers and increasing child abuse and neglect cases leads to a gaping hole in the investigation process. Until CPS takes a more aggressive role in filling the vacant positions, the gaping hole will continue to expand.