What to Do if Your Spouse Won’t Sign the Divorce Papers

Going through a divorce can be an enormously difficult process, psychologically, emotionally, financially, and legally. This can be much more painful when your spouse refuses to cooperate with the process. In most cases however, including within a covenant marriage in Arizona, it is possible to proceed with a divorce without your spouse’s consent or signature. […]

Annulment vs. Divorce: What is the Difference?

Choosing to initiate a divorce is a big step and should never be taken lightly. Another option for the dissolution of a marriage is known as annulment. While both processes dissolve the legal bonds of marriage, they do so in very different ways.  What is a Divorce? A divorce is the most common means of […]

What Happens to a Small Business During a Divorce?

Because Arizona is a community property state when it comes to dividing everything during a divorce, determining the fate of a small business during a divorce can be challenging. Dividing assets in just about any situation gets complicated, but it’s especially sticky when there are so many moving parts, including employees, debts, operating costs, properties, […]

8 Tips for Filing for Divorce in Arizona

Initiating a divorce is a big event in your life, and shouldn’t be done without preparation. Making sure all your ducks are in a row before you file not only makes it seem less scary, but also helps to protect you once you do file. Here are eight tips that are important to know before […]

Who Can Get Child Visitation in Arizona?

Child custody in Arizona follows a couple baseline principles. First of all, the courts determine everything based on what is in the best interests of the child. Second, it’s believed that it’s typically best for the child to maintain good relationships with both parents. This means that custody tends to be pretty evenly split between the parents, […]

What to Do After a Dog Bite

Being bitten by a dog can be a painful, scary experience. Fortunately, if you’ve suffered a dog bite, Arizona law offers you a way to recoup medical costs, financial losses, and emotional distress. Arizona has two laws that apply, a strict liability dog bite statute and the standard common law negligence statute that all other […]

Alimony vs Child Support: What’s the Difference?

If you’re going through a divorce with kids, it’s important to understand the difference between alimony and child support. Both alimony (known in Arizona as spousal maintenance) and child support may be applicable in your situation, but they have different purposes and are determined in very different ways. Keep reading to gain a full understanding […]

Navigating Shared Custody When Your Child Is Struggling in School

Navigating shared custody can be difficult, but it becomes especially challenging when you’re having to make important decisions with your co-parent. If your child is struggling in school, it will likely mean involving your co-parent in the decision-making process. If you have questions about how to handle your situation, your first step should be to […]

School Choice in Shared Custody Arrangements

In Arizona, custody cases are decided based on what’s in the best interests of the child, and in most cases that means shared custody so that the child has equal opportunity to maintain relationships with both parents. As a result, co-parents must make decisions together, which can cause conflict when making major decisions such as […]