Staying Connected to Your Child Over Long Distance

When divorced parents live far apart, it’s common for children to live full-time and attend school under the care and custody of just one parent. Long-distance parenting arrangements often include spending the summer with the non-custodial parent or alternating holidays. These arrangements may also make provisions for staying in touch with children remotely. This year, […]

Is Divorce Mediation an Option for You?

Managing the divorce process is stressful, draining, and can be emotionally devastating. Divorce will affect every part of life and creates major upheaval of financial circumstances and living arrangements, contributing to instability and uncertainty. During such a volatile time when so much is at stake, the smartest move is to connect with a legal expert. […]

Dealing With Back to School Custody Agreement Stress

The beginning of a new school year is exciting. However, it also tends to create tension in custody arrangements since routines and schedules may shift. Parental custody is initially determined during the divorce proceedings, but over time it will be necessary to reevaluate the custody agreement to reflect life changes as your child grows up. […]

How to Cope With Divorce During COVID-19

Divorce can be difficult for anyone to go through at any time… even more so during a global pandemic. If you and your spouse have recently decided to go separate ways, here are few tips on how to cope with divorce during an already difficult time. Use Technology to Lean on Family and Friends for Support The […]

Navigating Parenting Time in Arizona During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown many families into uncertainty. This is especially true for families of divorce, who face co-parenting challenges and difficult daily decisions even when everything is normal.  With new rules in place globally, it’s essential that you follow the rules set by federal government and local officials in order to keep your […]

Understanding the Termination of Parental Rights

Parental rights can be terminated in Arizona when such a move is best for the child’s safety and welfare. While Arizona courts prefer both parents to remain active in the child’s life, judges also understand that this is not always possible. It is essential to understand that once the termination of parental rights occurs, it […]

How to Handle Holiday Visitation in Arizona

The holidays are supposed to be special, but for many families, they can be stressful and emotionally charged following a divorce. When parents are determining holiday visitation schedules, it is always best to put the interests and well-being of the child first. Doing so will go a long way toward ensuring that everyone has an opportunity […]

Can a Parent With Sole Custody Deny Visitation?

Can a parent who has sole legal custody/legal decision making deny visitation to their ex-spouse or ex-partner? It’s a sensitive topic and one that happens with significant regularity. The bottom line is that a parent with sole legal custody does not always have sole custody. In most cases, the courts grant joint physical parenting time to […]

Protecting Your Pension in a Divorce

Divorce creates significant ripples in your finances. These include the loss of a second income, the need to maintain a separate home, coupled with alimony and child support payments. It also involves the division of marital assets, including retirement accounts and pension plans. A family attorney in Arizona can help you protect these assets as […]

Can You Modify Spousal Support in Arizona?

It may be possible to modify your spousal support obligations. While you can’t modify a non-modifiable agreement, it is possible to adjust a modifiable agreement. You can request a modification if there is a significant change in circumstances. For instance, if your ex-spouse remarries, if you suffer a severe financial setback, or if there are […]