How Do I Prepare for a Custody Evaluation?

It is not uncommon for the custody of children to be the most contentious issue of a divorce. When parents can’t come together to create a custody agreement and parenting plan, the judge will order a custody evaluation. The judge will then consider the information within the evaluation to assign primary custody. The process is […]

How to Have a Happy Holiday With Shared Custody

Your time is the greatest gift your children will ever receive over the holidays. To ensure a festive celebration this year, the following are some things to remember about holidays and shared custody. Dividing the Time Unless domestic violence is involved, Arizona courts prefer to share holiday time between mom and dad. However, it’s up to you […]

What You Should Know About Shared Custody in Arizona

Arizona courts want to keep both parents involved in the child’s life after the divorce. Arizona courts have a demonstrated preference for joint/co- parenting arrangements. In fact, by law they are required to do everything possible to ensure that children can remain in contact with both parents. Except in extreme cases, this means that both parents […]

Who Gets Custody of a Pet in Divorce Cases?

Many of us consider our pets to be our ‘fur babies,’ as they mimic many of the same routines and support mechanisms parents have with actual children. However, legally in the state of Arizona, they are not recognized as such. In Arizona, and many states across the U.S., pets are considered property, on the same […]

5 Ways to Cope With Divorce

Divorce is a major life stressor. Unfortunately, 40 to 50 percent of married couples may experience it personally in their lifetime. From emotional trauma to financial stress and legal battles, divorce brings a heavy array of life changes and difficulties. Although we deal solely with the legal aspects of divorce here at Simon Law, we’ve […]

Summer Tips for Divorced Arizona Parents

School summer break tends to be somewhat chaotic as it throws schedules off, and also gives parents a chance to do something fun and different with kids. Divorced Arizona parents may find the time to be an opportunity to spend extra time together as a family. Here are some tips to make your Arizona summer […]

Grandparent Custody in Arizona: Your Rights and Restrictions to Your Grandkids

Except in clear cut cases, Arizona doesn’t grant grandparent rights when it comes to visitation. However, they will consider visitation and custodial requests when it is in the best interest of the children and when one or more of their parents can’t or won’t provide parental care- this includes when a parent doesn’t use their […]